Top Movies of 2018

Now that 2018 is over (and has been for quite some time), we can look back at the best movies that the year brought us, and here they are:
Black panther: Black Panther finally brought the long-awaited T’Challa to life, and with a 92% by Google, 88% by metric, truly is one of the best movies of 2018. 9/10
The Incredibles 2: “It is worth the wait. The movie has both amazing action and humor it will put anyone who watches this film in an amazing mood. By far one of Pixar’s best films that they have done. And their best sequel since Toy Story 3. It is definitely a treasure to be hold. Which this film has an amazing opening action sequence that will blow you away of thinking what you can do with animation. When their isn’t action there is hilarious humor throughout, when their isn’t comedy then Brad Bird adds a little old fashion movie touch that we all know he loves and it makes this film so much better.
Honestly this took way…….. to long! Besides that it was a decent movie with plenty of hularious moments.
Bumblebee: THE first transformers movie to be rated over 60% by Rotten Tomatoes (it’s rated 93%), Bumblebee takes place in 1987, with Bumblebee (the main character, duh) on the run from the decepticons, and is found in a junkyand by an 18-year old, Charlie Watson.
Apparently, this movie has earned enough money and popularity to get a sequel, which I predict to be released around 2020 or 2021. 9.5/10
Ant-Man and The Wasp: “As Scott Lang balances being both a Superhero and a father, Hope van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pym present an urgent new mission that finds the Ant-Man fighting alongside The Wasp to uncover secrets from their past.” 8.75/10
This film was a great sequal. I was amazingly crafted with a good balence beween edge of the seat moments and great laughs and I can’t whait to see scot in Avengers 4.
AVENGERS: Infinity War (#4 Avengers movie): Well, I don’t think I need to say much. Infinity War nailed the ending to Marvel phase 3, it included all our favorite characters (well, most our favorite characters, Captain Marvel is yet to come) ,and gave us everything we wanted; emotion, battles, jokes, humor, more battles, dramatic deaths, snaps, old-timey movie references, and more. Enough said. 11/10