The Inside Scoop
DEC. 18TH, 2019 Season 3 Vol. 3 Ep.1
By:A classified man (His name classified to protect his safety)
Ok bois, this edition of the Inside scoop has some very deep and surprising news, so here we go:
Mrs.Cunningham was caught online shopping while her students were at PE a couple weeks ago, according to an anonymous source.
“It looked kinda like Farfetch…” Says the source.
When asked about how the source knew Farfetch, the boy simply said, “my mom shops on it.”
Hmm… Very interesting…
In other news, Mr.Landesman has completely embraced social media, as some bois found that he had an Instagram account, an Amazon GoodReads account, and rumored to have a Facebook account too. Also, while on the topic of social media, Mrs.Dreux has been found on Facebook, and now, the question we’re all asking is, who at the school DOESN’T have social media?
Next, there are 4 confirmed middle school Youtube channels, so, here they are, and check ‘em out and subscribe before COPPA ruins everything by December 10th:
The Goldenpaperclip:
The StoryOfMyLife:
And now, bye… And #BuyBill’sBooks