Civil War in The Newspaper Club is Imminent…
By: Bill Yan

Well, as you had read in Matteo’s article (if you haven’t read it, click here:, Maximillain Paul, the founder, boss, and main funder of the parties is moving to Geneva this summer, which, according to my sources, is in Switzerland. As you may have also read in Matteo’s article, Max made it one of his final commands to make Ruiyu Tang and Gus Leib co-bosses.
Yes, I know what you must be thinking by now, What the heck was Maximiliian Paul thinking?!? Bill OBVIOUSLY should’ve been named the boss!!!
Yes, I know, that was also my first reaction, but fear not, my loyal Billions… or should I call you Billards? Billians? Billers?… I dunno, ANYWAY, fear not! Because I’ve been named third-in-command!!! There’s only one tiny setback… I only get power when Ruiyu or Gus are sick…
Now, what was it again, was it Romaine Lettuce that made an epidemic last year?…
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