Top Movies of 2018
Now that 2018 is over (and has been for quite some time), we can look back at the best movies...
St Bernard's Middle School Newspaper
Now that 2018 is over (and has been for quite some time), we can look back at the best movies...
Here is a hilarious clip from my favorite comedian. click here
Gris Now this game is an exception on this list because it has already been released but I just had...
You WILL be surprised >:D By: Bill Yan 1: The average person spends 6 months of their lifetime waiting on...
By: Bill Yan Gary's gotta go, But Cashman said no, After a disappointing season, I wonder how Sanchez still can...
#3: NASA gets back to Mars: After “7 minutes of terror” before the landing, NASA successfully lands its 8th Mars...
Mr Moraitis day dreams about being in the Chain of Command. A slight upgrade from the St B's computer lab......
Last week world renowned surfer visited St. Bernards and here are some photos. Just 2 locals from Honolulu...
A few weekends ago I met a man named Garrett McNamara. This man surfed a 100 foot wave,...
By Gus Leib (4th grade) As a critic, I'm supposed to bring out the worst in movies, so...