It’s the age of streaming services

As you can see from my title this new article is all about streaming services.
First, Netflix: Netflix started out as the only streaming service until Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Disney plus all launched. Now Netflix has gone down hill because of all of its competition. I think I will get rid of Netflix and get other streaming services because all of the Disney movies on Netflix are gone and on Disney Plus.
Second, Disney Plus: Disney is AMAZING it has all of the famous disney movies and shows including originals I presently have Disney plus and so far it has been GREAT! I highly recommend this to anybody who likes Disney movies. You can get a Disney Plus and Hulu bundle because Disney owns Hulu.
Third, Amazon Prime Video: Amazon Prime Video has gotten better over the years. It contains old movies (which are not Disney) and shows. I would keep Amazon Prime Videos because it has around the same stuff as Netflix.
Fourth, H.B.O Max: H.B.O Max hasn’t come out yet so I can’t say anything about it but from looking at the ads it looks cool. I would like to try it out for a month and if I like it I will keep it and watch everything I like on H.B.O.
All in all I a really like Disney Plus and excited to see what H.B.O Max is to become.